ASU Retains US Leadership Addressing UN Sustainable Development Goals

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In case you missed it, this post is an excerpt from an about its research toward sustainable development, that was published on Earth Day 2021. 

Congratulations are due! According to an annual international publication of university announced April 21, Arizona State University (ASU), a ĢTV customer, retained the top US spot for its efforts toward UN sustainability goals in research, outreach, and stewardship. ASU’s score of 95.8 out of 100 points put it at No. 1 in the U.S., coming in ahead of Purdue University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Penn State University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

That ranking, published by magazine, has been driven by the university’s efforts on such issues as poverty and hunger, gender equality, clean water and air, climate change and providing quality education.  To get inspired, you can on sustainable development goals.

“As former New Zealand ambassador to the United Nations in 2015, we negotiated the Sustainable Development Goals, and I could not be more impressed with ASU’s contributions and ability to rapidly innovate, replicate and scale meaningful solutions,” said Amanda Ellis, director of global partnerships in the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory.

For the second year in a row, the university retained the top national spot when it comes to impacts made addressing aimed at achieving a better world for 2030, known as the (SDG). Adopted by all United Nations (UN) member states in 2015, these goals provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.

, the CEO, director general and dean of Thunderbird, said he “had the privilege of leading the establishment of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, the largest multi-stakeholder initiative launched to achieve the global goals. It is that level of ambition with what we at Thunderbird joined with the Global Futures Lab to make ASU the No. 1 university for SDGs. We must make this the decade of delivery worldwide.”

on its sustainable development work to discover how ASU is helping people and the planet prosper.

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